
CAN SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE IN - Art - - From Renaissance to Romanticism?? TEST 3
8. Which artist tempered the lightness and gaiety of his rococo paintings with a muted sense of melancholy?
A. Tiepolo
B. Boucher
C. Fragonard
D. Watteau
9. The term "Rubenesque" is used to describe
A. portraits in the baroque style.
B. mass-produced art.
C. hard-driven, ambitious individuals.
D. plump figures, especially women.
10. Murillo's popularity among the people of Spain was mainly due to his
A. genre paintings of ordinary people living ordinary lives.
B. stark paintings pitting good against evil.
C. sentimental images of the Virgin Mary.
D. imaginative paintings of angels.
11. The most significant influence on the life and art of Eugène Boudin was his
A. relationship with the Pre-Raphaelites.
B. return to city life after years as a sailor.
C. friendship with Claude Monet.
D. love of the city of Venice

Respuesta :

8. D, Watteau
9. D, plump figures, especially women.
10. C, sentimental images of the Virgin Mary
11. C, friendship with Claude Monet