Question: How can I get all my warnings on brainly?

Reason: I need them removed because for some reason on brainly I get warned for things that has no need to get warned for

Exsample: if someone asked a question like solve for X, or Find the slope. And i answer it and say something like... the answer is X/2 = y. Few minuites... later it says ' . and the reason would say .

Now i'm at risk of getting banned because, I searched on how many warnings does brainly give you and it says 5 then you will get banned.... AND I HAVE 4. im taking risk because everytime i ask or answer a question i shake because i think im gonna get banned for just some random things.
and now i feel offended because ever since i revealed my face in my pfp they removed my points, brainless, and rankings... and I was on my way to ranking up to another rank

please answer i want to know why. knowing them they might delete this to