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Answer: Parallel Array
Multiple arrays can be grouped together within a structure which is known as parallel array. Here the arrays are related by a common entry such as ith element in a arrays is related to the ith element of the other array.
The answer is a Parallel Array. Because Parallel Arrays use the same subscript to connect entries between arrays.
Further Explanation
Computing is all activities that use computers to manage, process, and communicate information. Computing also includes the development of hardware and software. Computing is an important and integral component of modern industrial technology. The main computing disciplines include computer engineering, software engineering, computer science, information systems, and information technology.
In computing, Array of Structures (AoS), Structure Array (SoA) and Array of Structures of Array (AoSoA) refer to various ways to arrange the order of records in memory, related to interleaving, and that is interesting in SIMD and SIMT programming.
Array structure s (or SoA) is a layout that separates elements from records (or 'structs' in the C programming language) into one parallel array per field.
The array s (or AoS) structure is the opposite (and more conventional) layout, where data for different fields are interrelated. This is often more intuitive and is supported directly by most programming languages.
Array of Structures of Array s (or AoSoA) is a hybrid approach between previous layouts, where data for different fields are entered using tiles or blocks of the same size as the SIMD vector size. This is often less intuitive but can achieve memory throughput from the SoA approach while being more friendly to locality cache and loading the modern processor port architecture.
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Definition of Computing
Definition of Array of Structures (AoS), Structure Array (SoA) and Array of Structures of Array (AoSoA)
Grade: High School
Subject: Computers and technology
keywords: Computing, Array of Structures