"What is the etymological origin of the word 'supercilious,' and how does it relate to the concept of haughtiness?"

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The word "supercilious" is derived from the Latin word "supercilium" which means "eyebrow" or "forehead." This is because in classical times, haughtiness was often depicted as raising one's eyebrows, as if looking down on others.

Over time, the meaning of the word evolved to refer to the attitude or behavior of being haughty or arrogant, characterized by a feeling of superiority over others. This reflects the idea that someone who is supercilious looks down on others with a condescending or disdainful attitude.

In summary, the etymological origin of the word "supercilious" relates to the concept of haughtiness, as it refers to the attitude of looking down on others with disdain or arrogance, which is conveyed in the Latin word "supercilium" which means eyebrow or forehead and was used to depict haughtiness in classical times.