The night did not remain idol in his pursuit of the pries. The gold was almost in cite. However, an old minor had discovered the cave first. The knight knew the king did not higher the old man for this secret mission. This aisle in the ocean was the pried of the king, and to fined the gold would bring the king much pleasure. To his surprise, the old man moved on. Quickly the night located the chest of great sighs, and the gold was inside.

Rewrite this Story in a better way, and if you just guess the question I will report you.

Respuesta :

The night did not remain idle in his pursuit of his prize.The gold was almost in sight, however an old miner had discovered the caver first.The knight knew the king did not hire the old man for this secret mission! This aisle in the ocean was prized by the king and to find the gold for the king would have made the king exuberant! To his surprise the vagabond moved on! Afetr words the knight quickly located the chest of Great Sighs, and much to his delight,there waiting for the taking was the gold!
The night did not remain idle in his pursuit of his prize.The gold was almost in sight, however an old miner had discovered the caver first.The knight knew the king did not hire the old man for this secret mission! This aisle in the ocean was prized by the king and to find the gold for the king would have made the king exuberant! To his surprise the vagabond moved on! Afetr words the knight quickly located the chest of Great Sighs, and much to his delight,there waiting for the taking was the gold!