The extraordinary results of this study are beyond reproach; the human mind creates memories each time you would like to remember them. –Frances Wallace, page 15 Now read the following passages from a separate article. Which of the following uses of the above passage is not considered plagiarism? A. And thus we know that the human mind creates memories each time you would like to remember them (Wallace 15). B. If we look at Wallace’s work, we can be certain the human mind creates memories each time you would like to remember them. C. Although it is startling to contemplate, “the human mind creates memories each time you would like to remember them” (Wallace 15). D. These results are extraordinary and cannot be doubted—the human mind creates memories!

not A

Respuesta :

The answer is "C. Although it is startling to contemplate, “the human mind creates memories each time you would like to remember them” (Wallace 15)."

Numerous individuals consider plagiarism as replicating another's work or getting another person's unique thoughts. In any case, terms like "duplicating" and "getting" can mask the reality of the offense:  

Most instances of plagiarism can be maintained a strategic distance from, in any case, by referring to sources. Basically recognizing that specific material has been acquired and giving your group of onlookers the data important to find that source is typically enough to avert plagiarism.  


the answer is C

Although it is startling to contemplate, “the human mind creates memories each time you would like to remember them” (Wallace 15).