Boxers attempt to move with an opponent's punch when it is thrown. In other words, a boxer moves in the same direction as their opponent's punch. This movement may prevent a knockout blow being delivered by their opponent. Explain how.

Respuesta :

When the force of the opponent's punch is extended, with time, the effect of the blow or the force of the blow is reduced thereby reducing chances for a knockout punch from the opponent to the boxer.

Answer: h


Impulse is defined as the change of momentum of an object if the object is acted by a force for an interval of time. By delaying the time, the impact of the force can be reduced.

Boxers attempt to move with an opponent's punch when it is thrown. The force applied by the opponent's punch is extended over a longer time. Then the effect of the force of the blow can be reduced. In this case, the chances of a knockout blow being delivered by their opponent can be minimized.