Respuesta :

You would use, Order of Operations, A.K.A PEMDAS.
Parenthesis, Exponets, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction
Follow that order and you do the work yourself, you would never learn by asking other's for the answer. >:) 
From: Dark Angel
You have to follow the rule P.E.M.D.A.S.
So first since there are no parenthesis (P.) or exponents (E.) you have to either multiply (M.) or divide (D.) .
So first you do 6 / 2 which equals 3.
Replace 6/2 in the equation with 3.
54 - 3 + 6
Then you have to either add (A.) or subtract (S.)
So 54 - 3 = 51 + 6 = 57

Ps. To remember P.E.M.D.A.S a phrase I was taught in middle school was "Please excuse my dear aunt sally." It makes remembering the order much easier.