Lush Lawns, a new landscaping company, uses the same logo and shade of green in all forms of communication including its online ads, truck signage, website, and business cards. Which technique is being used by Lush Lawns to promote its business? A) Niche market penetration B) Inventory control segmentation C) Push strategy D) Integrated marketing communications E) Logistics information management

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Option A is correct. The technique is being used by Lush Lawns to promote its business cards is niche market penetration.

A new landscaping service called Lush Lawns employs the same logo and color of green for all of its marketing materials, including its internet advertisements, truck signage, website, and business cards. combined marketing communications

They are better able to research brands and products independently.  Consumers now depend less on information provided by marketers.

Persuasive advertising aims to increase demand for a limited group of goods or services. User-focused is a common trait of persuasion marketing. Its goal is to develop consumer affinity for a certain brand by conveying a personal benefit that is special to that brand.

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