during the first decade of persecution after the murder of stephen, st. peter hid out in jerusalem most of the time with the other apostles. select one: true false

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The church in Jerusalem was jubilant and experiencing spiritual strength in response to the Jewish authorities' decision to release Peter and John.

This happiness would soon give way to worry as Peter and the Apostles faced fresh persecution. In this section, we learn of the excitement and spiritual fervor the church felt as a result of Peter's fearless witness both before and after the Jewish authorities freed him. The church's members were inspired by this excitement to give freely in order to meet the needs of the young and expanding flock. Luke interjects a unique event of deception committed by a husband and wife who were also attendees of this very same assembly into this time of cheerful liberality. They were acting as though they were replicating Barnabas' charitable acts give all the proceeds of a land sale to the church. The husband and wife jointly and in advance planned the swindle. They intended to sell the property, pocket a portion of the earnings for themselves, and then give the remainder to the church while claiming that they were doing so as a gift.

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