The grey wolf is the last species to be researched (Canis lupus). Since the Middle Pleistocene, grey wolves have been identified in North America.
Gray wolves are thought to exist in Alaska in numbers between 7,200 and 11,200, inside the Great Lakes area 3,700, in the North Rockies 1,675 and in the Pacific 275. Gray wolves are now classified under Endangered Species Protection Act (ESA) are endangered in Minnesota & endangered in all other states as a result of a court judgment dated February 10, 2022, the only exception being the Northern Mountain population. Across the past, gray wolves could be found throughout the majority of North America. The delisting, which will return control of wolf numbers to regional wildlife agencies, was announced by Interior Secretary David Bernhardt. "After more than 45 years as a species, the gray wolf has met all conservation objectives for recovery," Bernhardt said.
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