A FICO Score of 680 falls within the range of Good scores, which range from 670 to 739. The average FICO score for Americans, 714, is in the Good range. Many U.S. lenders view consumers with Good FICO Scores as "acceptable" borrowers.
A FICO Score of 680 grants access to a wide range of credit card and loan products, but raising your score can boost your chances of being approved for an even larger number of loans at more favorable conditions.
A 680 FICO Score is also on the lower end of the Good level, so you should monitor it closely to prevent falling into the more stringent Fair credit score range (580 to 669).
Checking your FICO Score is the greatest approach to learn how to raise your credit score. Based on specific information in your credit file, you'll also receive tips about how to improve your score along with your score.
Learn more about credit score from here;