The most crucial responsibility of a leader, according to Carlson, the previous CEO of scan airline systems (SAS), is to inspire confidence in others. This assertion suggests that his leadership style would be supportive, as per the path-goal theory.
Someone who is followed by others is a leader. A leader is in charge. Therefore, a leader's leadership must be legitimate in order for people to accept it. People follow a leader, thus the leader has the power to command others to do things. So a leader can get others to cooperate to achieve a common objective. The head of a nation's government is an illustration of a leader. Both citizens and members of the government turn to the head of state for inspiration and leadership. People may quit supporting a head of government if they believe that person lacks legitimacy. As a result, the head of state is unable to govern effectively. In the worst case scenario, this might lead to civil war or a new election.
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