At the Battle of Yorktown on October 19, 1781, British General Lord Charles Cornwallis and his army were forced to submit by General George Washington's American army and its French allies.
The outcome in Yorktown, Virginia, signaled the end of the American Revolution's final significant fight and the beginning of the independence of a new country. It also solidified Washington's standing as a strong commander and his subsequent election as the country's first president.The Washington Library quotes Washington as saying, "Washington's fame soared to international proportions having wrested such an inconceivable triumph, interrupting his much-desired Mount Vernon retirement with increased summons to public service.To give the impression that the Continental Army was ready for a protracted stay, Washington ordered the erection of massive camps with enormous brick bread ovens where Clinton could see them. Additionally, Washington manufactured phony documents outlining Clinton assault plans and allowed those documents to get up in British hands.
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