what occurs when fear of rejection leads people to not share a private opinion, misperceive the louder opinion as a majority opinion, and therefore become even less likely to express their private opinion?

Respuesta :

Spiral of Silence occurs when fear of rejection leads people to not share a private opinion, misperceive the louder opinion as a majority opinion, and therefore become even less likely to express their private opinion.

The fear of rejection is a very real and valid fear. It can be crippling at times, preventing us from putting ourselves out there and taking risks. The fear of rejection can stem from a variety of experiences or situations, such as being rejected by our peers in school or being passed over for a job.

The fear of rejection can also be a self-fulfilling prophecy, where we believe we will be rejected so we don't even try, and then we are. But the good news is that we can overcome our fear of rejection. By facing our fears head-on, we can begin to understand that rejection is not the end of the world.

To know more about fear, click here.
