
TRUE/FALSE. the xyz affair resulted in pro-war feelings against . many leaders in the government supported the idea of going to war. however, was against the idea because he felt that the nation was not strong enough to go to war with another nation.

Respuesta :

Blank 1: the United Kingdom, France; Blank 2: Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, or John Adams

US representatives travelled to France to conduct talks. Three undercover agents, X, Y, and Z, approached these officials and sought a bribe and a loan for France. The US's refusal to pay enraged Americans and led to an unofficial naval conflict with France. The XYZ Affair was a diplomatic incident involving French and American diplomats that led to the Quasi-Conflict, a temporary undeclared war. The Convention of 1800, commonly referred to as the Treaty of Mortefontaine, was the result of negotiations between the United States and France. The XYZ Affair was a diplomatic event that, when it became known in 1798, almost precipitated a war between France and the United States. Three ministers were sent to France by President John Adams in 1797 to arrange a trade pact that would safeguard American commerce.

Know more about the XYZ Affair at:


The XYZ Affair resulted in pro-war feelings against _____. Many leaders in the government supported the idea of going to war. However, ______ was against the idea because he felt that the nation was not strong enough to go to war with another nation.