Plato's Theory of Forms asserts that the physical realm is only a shadow, or image, of the true reality of the Realm of Forms. The Forms are abstract, perfect, unchanging concepts or ideals that transcend time and space; they exist in the Realm of Forms.
Plato and the philosophers in general find the concept of an ideal society or utopia so useful because, according to them, the phenomenal world strives to become ideal, complete, perfect. For Plato, forms, like beauty, are more real than anything else. objects that imitate them. While forms are timeless and unchanging, physical things are in constant change of existence.
Where forms are absolute perfection, physical things are qualified and conditioned. He believed that happiness and virtue can be achieved through knowledge, which can only be achieved through reasoning/intelligence. Along with his ethical views, Plato introduced the "Forms," which he posits as both the cause of all that exists and the only object of knowledge.
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