The probability is 0.8427.
Probability means possibility. It is a branch of mathematics that deals with the occurrence of a random event. The value is expressed from zero to one. Probability has been introduced in Maths to predict how likely events are to happen. The meaning of probability is basically the extent to which something is likely to happen. This is the basic probability theory, which is also used in the probability distribution, where you will learn the possibility of outcomes for a random experiment. To find the probability of a single event to occur, first, we should know the total number of possible outcomes.
Here we are total number of insurance agents = 89
And number of insurance agents do own a handgun = 75
So we asked probability that a insurance agent will own a handgun
Probability = no.of insurance agents/no.of insurance agents who owns a handgun
Probability = 75/89 = 0.8427
The probability that the agent will own a handgun is .84
To learn more about probability