heap sort can turn a valid array-based heap into a fully-sorted array by calling the removebest() operation to remove elements one at a time, until the heap is empty. what is the worst-case runtime complexity of this operation, assuming that the problem size n is the size of the array?

Respuesta :

The worst-case asymptotic running time for deletion when using an array kept organized as a min-heap is O(n), assuming that the problem size n is the size of the array.

About Heap Sort:

  • An in-place algorithm is heap sort.
  • Although its conventional implementation is unstable, stability can be achieved.
  • Usually, well-implemented QuickSort is 2-3 times slower than heap sort. Slowness can be attributed to a lack of locality of reference.

Heapsort's benefits include:

Efficiency - As the number of items to sort rises, Heap sort's processing time grows exponentially faster whereas that of other algorithms may become logarithmically slower. The sorting technique used here is quite effective.

Memory Usage - Memory usage is modest since, besides the memory required to store the initial list of things to be sorted, it does not require any further memory to function.

Simplicity - As it avoids using complex computer science concepts like recursion, it is easier to understand than alternative sorting algorithms that are equally effective.

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