one important reason we do not know much about the geologic history of the precambrian is that rocks did not exist during much of that time. there are very few fossils preserved in precambrian rocks. we have not yet been able to establish the half-lives for radioactive elements that existed in the precambrian. the climate was so harsh that erosion removed most of the rocks that formed during the precambrian.

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The geologic history of the Precambrian period is so poorly recognized because the know-how of the Precambrian is confined. that is because Precambrian-aged rocks are normally buried beneath younger rocks. best 15-20 percentage of the rocks on the Earth's surface are Precambrian in age.

There are few fossils from the precambrian because precambrian animals commonly had smooth bodies. which means they were more likely to rot than be fossilized. most fossils we've got these days are derived from the difficult components of an animal frame including bones and shells.

Precambrian time spans nearly 9- tenths of Earth history, from the formation of the Earth to the dawn of the Cambrian length. It represents time so sizable and long ago that it challenges all comprehension. The Precambrian is the time of big questions.

Within the previous couple of decades, but, geologists have located that there are a few difficult-to-discern fossils in a few Precambrian rocks, so this era is now additionally referred to as the Cryptozoic or "difficult to understand lifestyles" Eon (from the words "crypt" = "hidden," and "zoon" = "lifestyles").

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