the Fatimid caliph-imam al-rule, Hakim's notable Ismaili missionary Hamid al-Din al-Kirmani was recalled stored active . He was of Persian descent and was most likely born in the Kirman province.
He appears to have spent the majority of his life as a Fatimid in hamid central and western regions as well as in Iraq. took part in the Fatimid government's offensive against the rebellious , who had also claimed al-omnipotence. Hakim's He wrote a number of works in Cairo that criticised the Druze movement and religion. then went back to Iraq where he finished his final and greatest work, theological experts of the Ismaili faith during the Fatimid era. He was familiar with the post-Biblical Jewish texts, the Syriac translation of the New Testament, and the Hebrew text of the Old Testament. He wrote extensively on the imamate theory, which is an Ismaili Shi'i doctrine. challenged the theological stances of the Zaydis, Twelver Shi'is, and other Muslims who opposed the Fatimid Ismaili imams in a few treatises. was a distinguished philosopher who belonged to the elite group of Iranian Ismaili da'is who fused their Ismaili theology with many philosophical traditions, particularly a form of Neoplatonism that was then popular in the Muslim world, in an innovative way.
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