In this manner, you can get ready. Okay. You will soon receive a knock on the door and be asked to come outside. A man with a higher status than you will be in the hallway.
He will firstly congratulate you on the excellent work you've done, say that you're contributing to global safety, and announce that you will be receiving a commendation and a promotion. He will then inform you that I will be released. You're going to object, and perhaps even declare your resignation. However, I will eventually be let go. The same reason you believe I will be found guilty also justifies my release. I do interact with some of the most repugnant, nasty men who call themselves current leaders. However, some of those men are your adversaries' enemies. The President of the United States, who is your boss, is the biggest armaments trader in the world and exports more goods in a day than I do in a year. His fingerprints being on the pistols can be awkward at times. To supply forces that he can't be seen supplying, he occasionally requires a freelancer like me. So you describe me as evil. But I'm a necessary evil, which is unfortunate for you.
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