functions for dfs and bfs of binary trees from the notes will be given to you in the exam, if needed. 1. let tree t be this tree 1. draw the subtree returned by depth first search(t, 'b'); 2. draw the subtree returned by bfs queue(t, 'b'); 2. given an array containing the sequence 1,5,29,45,67,76,92,104,187,234 (in that order) 1. state each comparison made in finding the number 234 using linear search. (for example, 234:1 is a comparison of 234 with 1.) 2. state each comparison made in determining that the number 48 is not present using linear search. 3. given an array containing the sequence 1, 5,29,45,67,76,92,104,187,234 (in that order) 1. state each comparison made in finding the number 234 using binary search. (for example, 234:1 is a comparison of 234 with 1.) 2. state each comparison made in determining that the number 48 is not present using binary search. 4. given the following sequence of integers (for example, integers received from the keyboard) 29,234,1,45,92,76,67,187,104,5 (in that order) 1. draw the binary search tree that would result from inserting the integers in the order given. 2. state each comparison made in finding the number 234 in the tree (for example, 234:1 is a comparison of 234 with 1.) 3. state each comparison made in determining that the number 48 is not present in the tree. 4. write the integers as they would be encountered in an in-order traversal of the tree. 5. linear search can be done on data in an array or in a list. name an advantage and a disadvantage of the list implementation over the array implementation. 6. binary search can be done on data in a sorted array or in a binary search tree. name an advantage and a disadvantage of the array implementation over the bst implementation. sorting 1. how many permutations of n distinct items are there? 2. show that the maximum number of comparisons necessary to sort three items is 3. do this by using a comparison tree. 3. show that the minimum number of comparisons necessary to sort three items is 2. do this by using a comparison tree. 4. show that the average number of comparisons necessary to sort three items is . do this by using a comparison tree. 5. explain: selection sort is an algorithm on average. 6. explain: quicksort is an algorithm on average, but is