The _____catalog involves data on 22 offenses categories and include 46 specific crimes known as Group A offenses. Data on 11 lesser offenses (Group B offenses) are also collected.
Answer: *National Incident Based Reporting System
Monitoring the Future Survey
Uniform Crime Reports
National Crime Victimization Survey

Respuesta :

Option A is correct. National Incident Based Reporting System catalog involves data on 22 offenses categories & include 46 specific crimes known as Group A offenses. Data on 11 lesser offenses (Group B offenses) are also collected.

About National Incident Based Reporting System

The National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS), which was implemented to enhance the quality of crime data gathered by law enforcement, collects information on each individual crime incident, as well as on distinct offences within the same incident, including details on victims, recognised offenders, relationships between offenders and victims arrestees, & property involved in crimes.

Because NIBRS can provide information about the circumstances and context of crimes, such as location, time of day, and if the incident was cleared, it provides data that is much more in-depth than that reported through the UCR Program's traditional Summary Reporting System (SRS), which is merely an overall monthly count of crimes.

To know more about National Incident Based Reporting System: