A concerto is typically thought of as an instrumental piece written for one or more soloists and an orchestra or other ensemble since the late Baroque era.
We distinguish two genres of late-seventeenth-century concerto: 1) the Concerto Grosso (two words), where a group of soloists called the Concertino is in dialogue with a larger ensemble called the Concerto Grosso (two words), and 2) the Solo Concerto (two words), where one or more individual soloists are set in contrast to a larger ensemble. The direct predecessor of the first genre is the Trio Sonata (two words), with which it still shares some textural features. The second genre developed largely out of Accompanied Aria; it shares mostly formal features with its predecessor. The form of this genre is typically a Ritornello form. Although they probably did not invent these genres, the first genre is typically associated with the composer Arcangelo Corelli (firstname lastname), whereas the second genre is typically associated with the composer Antonio Vivaldi(firstname lastname). Both genres were in turn influential on a third, large-ensemble genre, called the "Sinfonia" in Italian.
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