Respuesta :

Independent ?
Hope that helps


From the fourteenth century until 1911, Tibet was political independent.


    This is a historical question. China says Tibet has been part of its territory since the mid-13th century and should be under Beijing's command.

    Many Tibetans, however, have another view of history. They claim that the Himalayan region was independent for several centuries and that Chinese rule was not always a constant.

    Between 1911 and 1950, for example, Tibet retained independent status until Mao Zedong led the Chinese Revolution and came to power in 1949.

    In 1963, it gained Autonomous Region status, and today has a government backed by China.

    In 1989, the cause of Tibet's independence became known in the West after the Chinese army's massacre of protesters in Tiananmen Square.

    Many Tibetans want independence back, and this triggers several protests.