Geoffrey Chaucer’s "The General Prologue" gives a portrait of life in England. We are introduced to a variety of characters from all walks of life and social classes at the Tabard Inn as they prepare to set out on a pilgrimage. With your knowledge of medieval society, create your own pilgrim to join the others. Include in your description your character's occupation, social ranking (nobility, the church, commoner), physical appearance, interests, and inner traits. Write your essay in a style similar to Chaucer’s writing.

Respuesta :

When April comes with his sweet, fragrant showers, which pierce the dry ground of March, and bathe every root of every plant in sweet liquid, then people desire to go on pilgrimages." Thus begins the famous opening to The Canterbury Tales. The narrator (a constructed version of Chaucer himself) is first discovered staying at the Tabard Inn in Southwark (in London), when a company of twenty-nine people descend on the inn, preparing to go on a pilgrimage to Canterbury. After talking to them, he agrees to join them on their pilgrimage.
Yet before the narrator goes any further in the tale, he describes the circumstances and the social rank of each pilgrim. He describes each one in turn, starting with the highest status individuals.
The Knight is described first, as befits a 'worthy man' of high status. The Knight has fought in the Crusades in numerous countries, and always been honored for his worthiness and courtesy. Everywhere he went, the narrator tells us, he had a 'sovereyn prys' (which could mean either an 'outstanding reputation', or a price on his head for the fighting he has done). The Knight is dressed in a 'fustian' tunic, made of coarse cloth, which is stained by the rust from his coat of chainmail.
Universidad de Mexico