Respuesta :

The extent to which members of a society feel anxious when faced with an unknown situation is known as uncertainty avoidance.

What is uncertainty avoidance?

  1. The propensity of a culture to hold on to what is already understood, believed, or practiced. It stands in contrast to uncertainty orientation, which is the propensity to look for fresh perspectives and concepts as well as to enjoy tackling and mastering ambiguity.
  2. A psychological requirement for strict norms and an intolerance of ambiguity or uncertainty.

How does uncertainty avoidance affect decision-making?

  1. Risk is characterized by uncertainty of outcomes, which is a fundamental characteristic underpinning human judgment and decision-making.
  2. Even though there is uncertainty virtually constantly while making decisions, people and cultures have different preferences for avoiding uncertainty.
  3. For unclear outcomes that resulted in profits, which tend to promote risk aversion, more uncertainty avoidance predicted choices, but not for uncertain outcomes that resulted in losses, which tend to encourage risk seeking.

The extent to which members of a society feel anxious when faced with an unknown situation is known as uncertainty avoidance.

To know more about uncertainty avoidance, check out: