Differences that are expected:
One of the most used performance metrics to gauge how much money a company or organizational activity generates is the profit margin.
financial ratio analysis helps creditors assess the company's ability to meet their short-term obligations.
Analysis of profitability ratios provides long-term creditors with information about the company's ability to pay interest costs and long-term liabilities.
Businesses with higher profit margins experience a lower cost of sales and more profit as a result, and vice-versa An organization with a greater turnover ratio likely produces and sells its products quickly, while one with a lower turnover ratio likely does the opposite.
The steel company and grocery chain have different profit margins and turnover ratios for the following reasons:
The return on equity is calculated using the DuPont equation by multiplying the profit margin, turnover ratio, and financial leverage. Higher turnover ratios are a result of lower capital requirements and margin requirements. Compared to steel businesses, grocery stores have a lower profit margin.
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