Respuesta :
Using the knowledge in computational language in python it is possible to write a code that consists of only lowercase Latin letters Returns int.
Writting the code:
import bisect
mod = 10 ** 9 + 7
# Calculating nCr % mod
def ncr(n, r):
# Initializing numerator and denominator to 1
numerator, denominator = 1, 1
# Iterating over [0, r - 1]
for i in range(r):
# Applying mod on each step
numerator = (numerator * (n - i)) % mod
denominator = (denominator * (i + 1)) % mod
# NOTE: modinverse of x and n is equal to mod of (x ^ (n - 2)) and n
return (numerator * pow(denominator, mod - 2, mod)) % mod
def countGoodSubsequences(word):
# Storing the length of the word
n = len(word)
# Building the frequency dictionary for the letters of the word
freqs = dict()
# Iterating over the letter word by word
for letter in word:
# Updating the frequency for that letter
# If there is no value for that letter, add a value of 0
if letter not in freqs:
freqs[letter] = 0
# Then, increment the value corresponding to that letter
freqs[letter] += 1
# Obtains the sorted counts of each letter
counts = sorted(freqs.values())
# Get the length of counts
lens = len(counts)
# Initialize the result to 0
res = 0
# Iterating over the frequencies [1, n]
for i in range(1, n + 1):
# Initializing the number of subsequences where each element has frequency i to 1
freq_i = 1
# bisect_left returns the first index of counts that is greater than or equal to i
# That is, it finds the first frequency that is atleast i
ind = bisect.bisect_left(counts, i)
# Now, for all the elements having frequencies,
# counts_1, counts_2, counts_3 ... such that counts_1, counts_2, counts_3 .... are all greater than or equal to i,
# there are a total of (1 + (counts_1) C (i) * (1 + (counts_2) C (i) ) ...... -1 subsequences, nCr is (n!) / (c! * r!)
# Iterating over [ind, lens) to count the total number of subsequences where each element has frequency i
for j in range(ind, lens):
# Updating freq_i
freq_i *= (1 + ncr(counts[j], i)) % mod
# Applying mod
freq_i %= mod
# Updating res
res += (freq_i - 1)
# Applying mod
res %= mod
return res
# Sample case
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