The correct answer (D) All of the above
Along with grains and potatoes, make sure your kid gets vegetables and fruits, legumes and seeds, a little energy-rich oil or fat, and, most importantly, animal foods (dairy, eggs, meat, fish, and fowl) every day. Eating a variety of foods every day ensures that your kid gets all of the nutrients he requires.
The kidneys mature between the fifth and twelfth weeks of pregnancy, and by the thirteenth week, they are routinely generating urine. Renal agenesis occurs when the embryonic kidney cells fail to mature. It is frequently detected on fetal ultrasound due to a lack of amniotic fluid.
Head and neck control are not established fortunately, this begins to change around 3 months of age, when most babies develop enough neck strength to keep their heads partially upright. (Full control is usually achieved after 6 months.)
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