sketch the nyquist plot based on the bode plots for each of the following systems , and then compare your results whit that obtained by using the matlab command nyquist : dont be concerned with the details of exactly where the curve goes , but do make sure it crosses the real axis at the right spot , has the correct number of -1 encirclements and goes off to infinity in the correct direction. A). >KG ( s) a= K( s+2 ) / s + 10 B.>KG ( s) = K / ( s + 10 )(s+2)2 C).>KG ( s) = K (s+10)(s+10) / (s+100)(s+2)3 D). Usinng your plots , estimate the range of k for which each system is stable , and qualitatively verif your result by using a rough sketch of a root locus plot.

Respuesta :

Sketching the nyquist plot based on the bode plots for the mentioned systems require a certain understanding of bode plots explained in detail.

What do you understand by bode plots?

In reality, Bode plots are a collection of graphs that display a system's frequency response. This system might be any system (not simply a circuit!) that changes its behavior when its frequency (cycles per second) changes.

Frequency Response simply describes how our system will alter in response to a specific input frequency. This collection of notes will be referred to as our input frequency.

Bode charts often have two graphs. We'll refer to one as the magnitude plot and the other as the phase angle plot.

We'll need something initially called a transfer function. Typically represented as H(s) or H(j). A transfer function often equates to the ratio of the output to the input.

A). >KG ( s) a= K( s+2 ) / s + 10 B.>KG ( s) = K / ( s + 10 )(s+2)2 C).>KG ( s) = K (s+10)(s+10) / (s+100)(s+2)3 D)

In order to learn more about bode plots, visit: