Where does Bryant tell his audience to go for comfort

from the thought of death (lines 7 and 8)? How does this

align with Transcendental/Romantic ideas?

Respuesta :

The human being in general is afraid of death and this is due to ignorance. You always fear what you don't know. When consciousness awakens, ignorance disappears and the fear of death ceases to exist.

Nobody dies on the eve. The human being dies on the day and at the time indicated by the Law of Destiny. "The cause of death is sin," say the Holy Scriptures; Actually, when the human being commits the original sin in that Terrestrial Paradise, he was once in a chain of deaths and births, from which he can only be freed when he is born a second time from his creative energy -semen-, when he is baptized - transmuted - by the Holy Spirit in Perfect Matrimony. Saint Paul tells us in the Bible that the human being has a carnal body and a spiritual body. This carnal body is called the "physical body" and the spiritual body is called the "soul or astral body." These bodies are united by a fluidic or energetic cord, which in esotericism is called the "Silver Cord." First Judgment

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