in the life cycle for the intestinal trematodes fasciolopsis/fasciola and heterophyes, which stage infects snails?

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Fasciola parasite is a parasite that can infect snails.

Fascioliasis is a zoonotic disease transmitted through water and also through food consumption caused by two parasites of the Trematoda class, the Fasciola genus, namely Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica. Fascioliasis is more common in livestock and other animals than in humans because humans are incidental hosts and become infected by ingesting watercress or contaminated water.

Cercariae develop from germ cells in the media and then escape from the snail through exit pores. Cercariae are initially free-swimming and then settle in vegetation and each encyst becomes a metacercaria which has a life span of 2–3 months.

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