Chemicals that have leached into the soil can be made harmless by bio remediation .
What is bio remediation?
- Bioremediation is a biotechnology process that reduces or eliminates pollution.
- It is a type of waste management technology that uses organisms to remove or recycle pollutants from polluted areas.
- There are several remedial measures to clean up contaminated water and solids through chemical treatment, incineration and landfill.
- There are other types of waste management technologies such as solid waste management, nuclear waste management, etc.
- Bioremediation is different because it does not use toxic chemicals.
How does it work?
- Bioremediation relies on stimulating the growth of specific microorganisms that use contaminants such as oils, solvents and pesticides as food and energy sources.
- These microbes convert pollutants into small amounts of water and harmless gases such as carbon dioxide.
Can learn more about bio remediation from