Both "Forest Fire" and "Why Leaves Turn Color in the Fall" present factual information. Write an essay of your own about one of those essays. In your essay, tell whether the author provided enough information for you to understand the topic fully. Then discuss how the method of organization of the essay you are writing about affected your understanding of the topic. If you think additional information would have helped you understand the topic better, describe the information that is lacking and explain how it could have helped you.   

I have this essay and it must be 16 sentences long, if someone could do this for me it will be much appreciated and I will make sure I leave a good rating

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In both those stories author explains about nature .

Describe both assay ?

Forest fire :

  • On his journey to Noblesborough, Lem Lawson encountered the fire and informed the community of its threat.
  • Two men traveled up the West Canada to the timber camps while one guy hurried to Noblesborough in search of the fire warden. Boys included, the rest of the male population hurried down the main road to an old log trail.
  • The open road provided a chance for the fire to be put out.

Why Leaves Turn Color in the Fall :

  • Ackerman's purpose is to describe the arrival of autumn (line 1). She uses vivid sensory details, such as "Early-morning frost sits heavily on the grass" (lines 4-5) and "baggage of chilly night" (line 8).
  • Ackerman says that people hope they won't vanish when they die.
  • Ackerman's overall purpose of the essay was to explain why leaves turn color and fall from trees. To that end, she uses scientific terms.

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