The Complementary strand of DNA is 5' TAG CTG GTA 3'. G always pairs with C, while A always couples with T (or, in RNA, it pairs with U).
One DNA strand complements the other. As a result, on the other strand, adenine partners with thymine and cytosine pairs with guanine. Therefore, you can automatically ascertain the sequence of bases on the opposite side of the "ladder" provided you know the order of bases on one side. As a result, the strands work best together.
A strand is the name for each side of the ladder. The two strands are also sometimes referred to as Watson and Crick, the plus and minus strand, positive and negative, sense and antisense, and positive and negative.
The two strands are parallel to one another but are pointed in different directions, making them antiparallel. Similar to how words and letters in the English language are read from left to right, DNA is "read" in a certain orientation. The DNA molecule has a number on either end. The length is denoted by the numbers 5' (five prime) on one end and 3' on the other (three prime). The numbers 5' and 3' indicate how many carbon atoms in a deoxyribose sugar molecule a phosphate group is bound to.
Learn more about DNA