glass is classified as a ceramic material; yet glass is different from the traditional and new ceramics. what is the difference?

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Glass is classified as a ceramic material; yet glass is different from the traditional and new ceramics. The differences:

Glass is vitreous - it is in the glassy state, whereas traditional and new ceramics are, by and large, polycrystalline materials.

What Is Glass

Glass can be defined as an amorphous solid without a long-range periodic atomic structure, thus exhibiting a glass transition behavior.

Thus, the behavior of this glass transition is a non-crystalline (amorphous) material.  When heated, the glass will exhibit a rubber-like state.  The temperature at this state is known as the glass transition temperature.

When glass is cooled, it must be cooled to the maximum without allowing it to acquire a crystalline structure.

What is Ceramic

Ceramics can be defined as inorganic non-metallic materials which harden at high temperatures.  The atomic structure of ceramics can be crystalline, non-crystalline, or semi-crystalline.  However, most ceramics have a crystalline atomic structure.

There are 2 types of ceramics, namely: traditional ceramics or modern ceramics, depending on the application.  The majority of ceramics are impermeable to light, except for glass.

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