In 2019 a global pandemic devastated the world. 5AR * 5 - CoV - 2 a variation of the SARS virus, has been responsible for this devastation and has affected all of us one way or another. Knowing what you have learnt so far about genetics explain how this virus has persisted for so long by referring to your knowledge on mutations and give an explanation as to how this knowledge helps us fight the virus?

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As we know the virus known as SARS-CoV 2 belongs to the family of coronavirus, this means that is a monocatenary RNA virus which confers it a high mutation rate, as was a new type of virus there was no antiviral known to be effective or vaccine which leads to catastrophic consequences, nonetheless, vaccines were developed in a quite short time, however, the virus keeps mutating and even when vaccines are effective preventing grave forms of Covid-19, the mutations have made the new virus strains more infectious that is to say they are transmitted easier in other cases also are more aggressive as was the case of delta variant, in some other, the symptoms are not grave even more the disease can go unnoticed like sile omicron or BA.2 which allows a greater rate of infection. In conclusion, the mutations have changed the time of incubation, the severity of the symptoms, vulnerable groups, and infection rate, a fact that has allowed the virus to continue active.