a costomer tells you that they “must have” a particular item that you are out of in your store. You can tell that the customer is impatient and appears to be becoming frustrated. They explain to you that this is the second time they have been to the store to find a product they want is out of stock. Your supervisor is unavailable as they are working with another customer. Briefly describe how you would handle this.

Respuesta :

I would say Sir/ma'am it seems that we are out of stock on that certain item. You can order online the item that you want. If not then can I have your name or phone number to tell you when we have that item again.
Hope this helps :3
 think first i will calm her down.

Next, i will patiently explain the situation to her on why the stock that she's searching for is unavailable.
Next, i will offer to held one item specially for her when the stock is arrived and notify her as soon as it arrived

hope this helps