I want to clarify that this problem is from AP physics. I only need help on d-h.Students launch identical marbles of mass Mm horizontally from a toy cannon of mass Mc, where Mc > Mmas shown above. The cannon can be adjusted to change the launch speed u of the marble relative to the ground.Each time a marble is launched, the cannon slides backward before coming to rest. The coefficient of kineticfriction between the cannon and the ground is u (mu). For each launch, the students vary the launch speed v andrecord the distance I the cannon slides backward for each launch speed.(a) Without manipulating equations, briefly describe what happens to the distance a that the cannon slidesbackward as students increase the launch speed. Explain your reasoning.(b) Students find the following equation on the Internet to describe the distance o that the cannon slides backward:2g/Mg. Whether or not the equation is correct, is it consistent with your prediction in part (a)? Brieflyjustify your answer.(c) Without manipulating or stating equations, briefly describe whether the cannon or the marble has more kineticenergy immediately after the marble leaves the cannon. Justify your answer.(d) Students correctly derive an equation relating the kinetic energy K, the momentum p, and the mass m of anobject: K = Em. Is this equation consistent with your description in part (c)? Justify your answer.object is actually K=p^2/2mStudents then discuss the mechanical energy of the marble after it has been launched by the cannon but before itreaches the ground. Both students agree that air resistance is negligible and make the following claims.Student 1: There are two external forces exerted on the marble while it is in the air, the gravitational force and theforce exerted by the cannon. Therefore, the mechanical energy of the marble changes while it is in the air.Student 2: The cannon does not exert a force on the marble after the launch. Therefore, the mechanical energy ofthe marble is constant.(e) Which underlined phrase or phrases in student 1's statement are correct, if either? If neither phrase is correct,write "none."(f) Which underlined phrase or phrases in student 1's statement are incorrect, if either? If neither phrase isincorrect, write "none."(g) Which underlined phrase or phrases in student 2's statement are correct, if either? If neither phrase is correct,write "none."(h) Which underlined phrase or phrases in student 2's statement are incorrect, if either? If neither phrase isincorrect, write "none."