Sister chromatids separate during anaphase of which of the following? A. MitosisB. MeiosisC. Melosis IID. Both A and C are correctE. During the S phase of Interphase

Respuesta :

Answer: A. Mitosis

Explanation: During anaphase, the centromere splits, allowing the sister chromatids to separate. The kinetochore spindle fibers shorten, allowing for 46 of the newly- freed chromatids to be dragged to one end of the cell and the remaining 46 chromatids to be dragged to the opposite end of the cell.

During mitosis the sister chromatids separate and go to opposite ends of the dividing cell. Mitosis ends with 2 identical cells, each with 2N chromosomes and 2X DNA content. All eukaryotic cells replicate via mitosis, except germline cells that undergo meiosis (see below) to produce gametes (eggs and sperm).