list 5 ways fine suspended particles can affrect water answer must be from the text

Suspended particles can affect water in different ways, which can cause problems for populations that need this resource to live. The affect can be in Health because of the consumption or evironmental.
- Visibility impairment: fine particles like sand, and clay can be the main cause of haze in parts of the water in lakes;
- Health damage: small particles can cause health problems in the lungs, heart, and kidneys of living beings;
- Environmental damage: the oil contamination or other materials that interfere with permeability and light entry can cause the death of plants and other aquatic organisms (being one step more than what we can see with visibility damage);
- Physical barriers: twigs, plastic, and other big particles slow down the current and provoke physical barriers for the water and organims;
- Chemical pollution: some chemical elements can provoke a chemical pollution by the accumulation of matter of some organic and inorganic chemicals.