Mr. Simpson can be faulted for encouraging the creation of out-group bias.
What is out group bias?
The Outgroup Bias is the psychological tendency to have a dislike or hatred for other people that are outside of one’s own identity group. For example, if you are a fan of a football team, you are likely to dislike a fan of a rival football team, even if you admire the person.
How to prevent outgroup bias?
Outgroup bias can have serious consequences. We may judge people before we even know them, withhold help from people just because of the color of their skin, or choose to elect a politician that promises to keep the outgroup starved of resources and the ingroup in power.
In order to ensure a more fair world, we have to be aware of outgroup bias. This is something that all humans are guilty of, just like any other cognitive bias. Recognizing that this bias influences your perspective is the first step in seeing things more objectively. By being mindful of our thoughts and actions, and understanding that our biases may be leading us astray, we can make more impartial decisions and judgments.
Learn more about out group bias here: