Consumption of more carbs and proteins, low water level in the body are the reasons one is not able to complete a 30 minute work out a day.
What is diet and what diet prevents a body from the 30 minute exercise a day?
- Diet is the food supplement we provide to our body everyday in time and it may consist of carbs , proteins , fibers etc.
- The diet greater in carbohydrate amount, protein which does lead to more fat prevent the smoothness in the body functions.
- The diet greater in amount of cereals, nuts , fruits keeps a normal human body going fit and smooth.
- Trouble in work out , water level could be a reason too , as the water level in the human body is low the body energy will be lessen overtime.
- So consumption of proper diet, less in carbs and non veg and more nuts and fruits with lots of consumption of water can prevent such problems.
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