Respuesta :

The story involves creation from nothing. => In the begin-ning there were no animals or hum-ans, plants or trees. God utte-red a com-mand and the wo rld be-gan. (This is the bib-lical story of creation which was the sole pro-duct of God's word or Logos.)

The story depicts a sm-all amount of earth expand-ing, resulting in the orig-in of Earth. => When there was no Earth, a gigan-tic corm-orant dived into the water in search of food. When it return-ed to the sur-face, a small lump of mud stick-ing to its beak fell on the wat-er. The lump grew until it brou-ght up some mud that later became an is-land. The island grew into Ear-th. (This is a Ma-yan creation myth.)

The story tel-ls how nat-ural forces inter-act to begin creation. => Once upon a ti-me, the Sky and his young-er brother, the Sea, got into a sw-ord fight. The sparks from their swor-ds formed the plan-ets.

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