Vitamin B9 is an important coenzyme for an enzyme involved in DNA synthesis.
Folate or folic acid is a potent antiproliferative agent and plays a crucial function in one-carbon metabolism. Folate enhances DNA stability and is essential for DNA synthesis, repair, and the methylation cycle as well as for avoiding free radical oxidation of DNA. Together with vitamins B-12 and C, folic acid functions as a coenzyme in the metabolism of proteins and the creation of new proteins.
If folate levels are low, the pool of DNA precursors becomes unbalanced and uracil may be incorrectly integrated into DNA. Double strand breakage, chromosomal damage, and cancer may result from subsequent errors in incorporation and repair. Additionally, folate influences gene expression via controlling cellular levels of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM).
To know more about DNA synthesis, refer to the following link: