The correct options are option A, option B and option D.
These primary keys are a part of DBMS. DBMS is the Database Management System. It is where all he data is being stored.
There are different types of keys used in it. Example, primary key, secondary key, natural key, foreign key. Each key has it's own value.
The primary key is the "single-attribute" key. These are the keys which have a main function of uniqueness. The primary key is know for it's single unique attribute. Its main function is uniquely identify the attributes in a given table. The primary key along with the foreign key also implement the relations between the entities.
The main characteristics of primary key are:
Thus, from this we can conclude that primary key must be to guarantee unique attribute values, should have the minimum number of attributes and must be composed of attributes that are free from security risks or violation.
To know more about primary key, refer: