The scatter plot shows the time spent texting and the time spent exercising by each of 24 students last week. Also shown is the line of best fit for the data.

The scatter plot shows the time spent texting and the time spent exercising by each of 24 students last week Also shown is the line of best fit for the data class=
The scatter plot shows the time spent texting and the time spent exercising by each of 24 students last week Also shown is the line of best fit for the data class=

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a) The slope of the graph is negative. This means that as the values of x increases, the values of y decreases. Thus,

For this 24 students, as the time spent texting increases, the time spent exercising decreases

b) For the 24 students, there is a negative correlation between the time spent texting and the time spent exercising.

3) We would find the value of y on the y axis that corresponds to x = 6 on the graph. The value of y is 4.5. Thus,

Using the line of best fit, we would predict that a student texting for 6 hours would exercise for exactly 4.5 hours