1.What must be true about a circle with a circumference of 16 π?the radius is 16the diameter is 16the diameter is πthe radius is πQUESTION 21.If the radius of circle P is 4, then thediameter is 4.circumference is 4 π.diameter is 8.circumference is 16 π.QUESTION 31.π isequal to 5.26.always equal to the radius of a circle.twice the diameter of a circle.a circle's circumference divided by its diameter.1.If a circle has a center of R and a point on the circle labeled T, then RT isthe diameter.a chord.the radius.twice the diameter.1.Find the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 3. Use π = 61.If the circumference of circle A is 16 π, then the length of a chord in circle A istwice the diameter.twice the circumference.equal to the circumference.16 inches or less.QUESTION 71.If a circle has a circumference of 10 π, then the ratio of the circle's circumference to its diameter isπ.10.10 π.2 π.QUESTION 81.If the radius of a circle is 3.14, then the circumference equals3.14 π2 (3.14) π(3.14) (3.14) ππ.QUESTION 91.If the circumference of a circle is 16 π, then the radius of the circle equals816π4QUESTION 101.A circle is to the circumference as a square is to thearea.perimeter.volume.diameter.